Port Triggering - DD-WRT v24 (DD-WRT Firmware)

DD-WRT v24 (DD-WRT Firmware)
Website: www.dd-wrt.com

Port Triggering Guide

Note: An added benefit of Port Triggering is you do not need to worry about ip addresses.

When using port triggering with applications that don't make outbound connections you can use my free
Port Triggering Initiator to make the connections to trigger the ports for you.

Step 1.

Open your favorite web browser and input your routers ip address in the address bar.
Please note that you must have the http:// in order to connect to your router/modem properly.

Need help finding you router IP address? Click here

Step 2.

Some router/modems require a username and/or password, if yours requires it, enter the routers username and password here.

If you don't know it you can check our list of default router and modem password list here.

If you have changed it and don't remember it you may have to reset your device to factory default using the reset button on most routers.

Step 3.

Once logged into your router click on "NAT/QoS" Tab.

Wait for the page to finish loading.

Click 'Port Triggering'.

Wait for the page to finish loading.

Click 'Add' this will create a new row of empty boxes.

For 'Application' Give your entry a name, it must not be the same as any others on this page.

Under 'Triggered Port Range'
Set 'Start' & 'End' this will be what ports are used to trigger when to open the ports.
Example: 2100 - 2200 or 3000 - 3000

Under 'Forwarded Port Range'
Set 'Start' & 'End' this will be what ports are to be forwarded.
Example: 2100 - 2200 or 3000 - 3000

For 'Enable' make sure to check mark this.

Click 'Save'

Repeat this step for all ports.

Once all ports have been entered click 'Apply Settings'

Click To View Full Picture

All done!